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Course ID: marcddcb_vod

Driving Defensively For CDL/Large Vehicle Drivers: The Basics

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) there were 2,029,900 heavy-duty truck and tractor-trailer drivers in the US in 2019. That’s a lot of people around the country driving large and heavy vehicles on the roads. This course teaches the fundamentals of defensive driving for large vehicle drivers. As SafeMotorist puts it, defensive driving is essentially driving in a manner that utilizes safe driving strategies to enable motorists to address identified hazards in a predictable manner. These strategies go well beyond instruction on basic traffic laws and procedures. This course introduces you to defensive driving, and covers the mental aspects of defensive driving, preparing for your trip, use of headlights, negotiating curbs and downgrades, turns and intersections, and other techniques of benefit. Utilize this course among your drivers to facilitate an understanding of safe and effective defensive driving.

9 Lessons
19-29 Minutes
Closed Captioning
10 Questions