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Course ID: marchou2f_vod

Safety Housekeeping And Accident Prevention In Food Processing And Handling Environments

Accidents are a constant risk in food processing and handling environments, but they don’t have to be inevitable. This course empowers employees with the knowledge and skills to prevent workplace accidents, helping to create a safer, more efficient, and hazard-free workplace. Stressing how food processing and handling workplaces don’t have to be rampant with hazards, this course illustrates the roles a good safety attitude and safety habits play in keeping everyone safer. Collectively, the five topics covered in this course teach employees how to avoid mental and physical stress, use sound judgment, and stay sharp. All these skills contribute significantly to a safer food processing and handling environment for all workers. Use this course to ensure all food processing and handling employees learn how to recognize and respond to the range of safety concerns and hazards that exist throughout the work environment.

7 Lessons
13-23 Minutes
Closed Captioning
10 Questions