Understanding And Preventing Sexual Harassment 30 Minute Training For Employees
Under Title VII of the Federal Civil Rights Act, sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal. This training course explains Title VII protections for everyone employed in the United States. Viewers are shown different scenarios to help them to recognize sexual harassment. These include situations that demand quid pro quo (this for that), lead to a hostile workplace, discriminate against sexual orientation and gender identity, and involve third-party harassment. Employers are required to have an anti-harassment policy, and viewers learn how to report sexual harassment, which can be reported by either the person who was harassed, or by someone who witnessed harassment. This course also answers questions about confidentiality and the fear of retaliation during the investigation that follows the report. Complete this thirty-minute course to learn the legal rights, under Title VII, of everyone employed in the United States, and how to recognize and respond to sexual harassment in the workplace.