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Course Discontinued
Course ID: clmisthc_vod

Slips, Trips, and Falls: Healthcare

With thousands of people getting hurt in slip and fall accidents each year, your medical facility is likely involved in the care of slip and fall victims. Your expert staff is well versed in the treatment of injuries, but what about prevention? In this case, we aren’t discussing preventative patient care; we are discussing preventative maintenance and precaution in your medical facility. The fact is anyone walking into your facility could be at risk for sustaining a slip and fall injury. This slips, trips and falls course, customized for the needs of the healthcare industry, provides a comprehensive overview of the causes of these accidents and related prevention techniques. Healthcare facilities should be safe environments for all who enter them. Make your employees more aware of environmental hazards and how to safely remove them.

5 Lessons
17-27 Minutes
10 Questions