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Course ID: marcheat2t_vod

Heat Stress In Transportation And Warehouse Environments

Physical exertion can make the body hot and sweaty, which makes the body uncomfortable and the job more difficult. This course shows how hot working environments, such as a warehouse or loading dock, affect the worker’s health and teaches strategies for safely working in the heat to avoid heat stress. With an emphasis on the risks of being overheated, this course spotlights heat stress hazards and potential outcomes and how to prevent and respond to them. Upon completing the five lessons in this course employees know how and why it can be risky to work in high-heat conditions and how to prepare and protect themselves and their co-workers. Utilize this course so all warehouse and transportation workers know the health hazards associated with working in high-heat conditions and how to work safely in high-heat environments.

7 Lessons
17-27 Minutes
Closed Captioning
10 Questions